why are nurses so reluctant to implement changes based on evidence and what can we do to help?

  • Journal List
  • J Healthc Leadersh
  • 5.seven; 2015
  • PMC5740993

J Healthc Leadersh. 2015; 7: 29–39.

Facilitating the implementation of evidence- based practice through contextual support and nursing leadership

Angela Kueny

1Luther College, Decorah, IA

Leah Fifty Shever

2The University of Michigan Hospital and Health Center, Ann Arbor, MI

Melissa Lehan Mackin

iiiUniversity of Iowa College of Nursing, Iowa Urban center, IA

Marita G Titler

4University of Michigan School of Nursing, Ann Arbor, MI, USA



Nurse managers (NMs) play an of import function promoting bear witness-based practice (EBP) on clinical units within hospitals. Nonetheless, there is a famine of research focused on NM perspectives about institutional contextual factors to support the goal of EBP on the clinical unit. The purpose of this commodity is to identify contextual factors described by NMs to drive change and facilitate EBP at the unit level, comparing and contrasting these perspectives beyond nursing units.


This study employed a qualitative descriptive design using interviews with nine NMs who were participating in a large effectiveness study. To stratify the sample, NMs were selected from nursing units designated every bit high or low performing based on implementation of EBP interventions, scores on the Meyer and Goes research use scale, and fall rates. Descriptive content analysis was used to identify themes that reflect the complex nature of infrastructure described past NMs and contextual influences that supported or hindered their promotion of EBP on the clinical unit.


NMs perceived workplace culture, structure, and resources equally facilitators or barriers to empowering nurses under their supervision to use EBP and drive change. A workplace culture that provides clear communication of EBP goals or regulatory changes, direct contact with CEOs, and clear expectations supported NMs in their promotion of EBP on their units. High-performing unit NMs described a structure that included nursing-specific committees, allowing nurses to drive change and EBP from within the unit of measurement. NMs from high-performing units were more than likely to clear internal resources, such as quality-monitoring departments, as disquisitional to the implementation of EBP on their units. This study contributes to a deeper understanding of institutional contextual factors that tin be used to support NMs in their efforts to drive EBP changes at the unit level.

Keywords: prove-based exercise, institutional context, driving forces, nurse managers


A crucial cistron in delivering high-quality patient care is nursing implementation of evidence-based practice (EBP); institutional leadership, such equally nurse managers (NMs), plays an integral function in the implementation of EBP on nursing units.1 EBP allows nurses to make complex health care decisions based on findings from rigorous or high-quality inquiry reports, clinical expertise, and patient perspectives.2 , 3 NMs take dynamic roles to aid facilitate EBP at the unit of measurement level, and a more thorough description of their role related to EBP at the unit of measurement level is discussed by Shever et al (unpublished information, 2014). Original models of implementing EBP inside the health care setting suggest that there is a systematic process that moves in cyclical patterns to support providers making these circuitous decisions. This process begins with an impetus for change, such as a recent research report, patient outcomes, or clinical audit. Subsequent steps include conducting a literature review and evaluation of the identified topic, implementing and evaluating trial changes within practice, and proposing recommendations for clinical practice guidelines.4 , five The process allows nurses to be an integral part of the health care team and can drive EBP alter and contribute to the provision of high-quality care. NMs need institutional contextual support for themselves and their staff on the hospital unit to create an environs that drives change with EBP.

Models for EBP implementation provide stepwise guidance; however, item contextual factors human action equally facilitators or barriers to the procedure. A concept analysis past McCormack et alvi defined context every bit a dynamic component impacting the implementation of EBP, working in conjunction with workplace culture and leadership. NMs are i of the authentication components of the health care context impacting whether or non EBP is successfully adopted.1 Shever et al identified tactics and roles of the NM in the implementation of EBP (unpublished data, 2014). It is of import to understand how an institutional context supports NMs in their roles to facilitate implementation of EBP on their supervising units. To address this gap, the purpose of this article is to place contextual factors described by NMs, to compare and contrast these perspectives across nursing units, and to relate this to driving change within the establishment. The aims of this qualitative report were to a) describe NMs' perspectives of contextual factors related to implementation of EBP, b) identify driving forces recognized by NMs to facilitate EBP, and c) compare contextual factors and driving forces across high- and low-performing nursing units.


Change in exercise relies not merely on the nature and force of the evidence just also on the practise environment in which exercise is to be placed and the method by which the process is facilitated.1 , 7 Ellis et al recognized that original models of EBP did not necessarily emphasize the influence of existing workplace environment or cultural factors.8

… it is recognised that getting the best evidence into practice relies on more than than just the provision of best data. The translation from workshop to work practise is also influenced past a range of other factors such as work civilisation and environment, direction structures, and resources.8

McCormack et al elaborate on the workplace environment and civilisation past delineating characteristics of context, including nuanced differences between context, civilisation, and leadership.6 Similarly, prior research highlights organizational factors supportive of implementing EBP and suggests a necessity for the combination of all three components, including the post-obit: a) leadership of supportive and committed managers; b) a workplace culture that empowers nurses and reinforces EBP; and c) measurement of ways in which patient outcomes are improved through EBP.2 , 9 xi The integration of these factors facilitated within the institutional approach to EBP allows nurses to feel empowered to create change in practise that is supported past contemporary and relevant evidence. A supportive institutional culture, an impetus to bulldoze change, and an established process by which change is initiated and managed (preferably, past health intendance squad members) can exist farther complemented by contextual factors that include easily accessible information, ample resources to make change, and the presence of personnel skilled to drive change in do.8 Prerequisite skill and stiff leadership become a catalyst for the culture and contextual resources required to implement EBP. Nurses identify administrative support as necessary for enquiry utilization and simultaneously recognize a lack of administrative support as a bulwark to EBP implementation.11 Therefore, NMs play an integral part in advocating the creation of a civilization supportive of EBP and may be required to transfer administrative support to staff nurses in order to make change happen.

In improver to contextual influences internal to the institution, external factors and bodies impact the implementation of EBP. As examples, Transforming Care at the Bedside (TCAB) and Magnet models recommend change initiatives involving nurses at every level of the system.12 , xiii TCAB is an initiative from the Institute for Healthcare Improvement that supports health care settings to better care, improve staff satisfaction, and implement change.12 The Magnet Recognition Programme through the American Nurses Credentialing Middle recognizes health care organizations focused on quality patient care and nursing excellence using a thorough review of facilities desiring designation.13 These models focus on the shared responsibilities of EBP implementation at every level of nursing practice including bedside nurses, highlighting the need for managers and nursing leaders to become facilitators in the empowerment process. Furthermore, TCAB and Magnet models encourage decentralized institutional governance structures that would allow more than individuals to become change catalysts. Facilitating nurses to motility into these positions will shift institutions toward development and evaluation of EBP-based guidelines that may likely issue in college quality patient intendance.

The 2011 strategic program of the National Constitute of Nursing Enquiry recognizes the need to bring evidence to patients. The report calls forth, "As nosotros movement forrad in this rapidly evolving landscape, the expertise, innovation, and leadership skills of nursing scientists and clinicians will exist increasingly called upon to guide and shape practices and policies" (p 3).14 Given the need for an existing infrastructure to permit for EBP every bit a reality in nursing and hospital environments, we depict NMs' perceptions of the support available for their function and needs in promoting EBP with their nursing staff on nursing units.


A descriptive qualitative blueprint was utilized to collect and analyze data from NMs from high-performing units (HPUs) and low-performing units (LPUs).fifteen It provided a rich picture of the blazon of contextual factors that support NMs as they implement EBP on their infirmary units. Following data collection, inductive descriptive content analysis was used to analyze the information. This report was reviewed and approved by the University of Iowa institutional review board.

Sampling and procedures

The sample of NMs was identified from 148 nursing units from 48 hospitals that participated in a larger nursing effectiveness study.16 Results of that written report have been published elsewhere. Nursing units included in the original report provided care to a variety of patients that included medical, surgical, medical/surgical mixed, specialty (eg, orthopedics, oncology, cardiology/telemetry), pediatric, female parent–baby, rehabilitation, and psychiatric. The main investigator intended to compare NMs regarding promotion of EBPs across different types of units with varying sizes, patient outcomes, and EBP implementation. The original nursing units were stratified by size of the hospital in which they were housed: one) small (≤100 licensed beds), 2) medium (101–400 licensed beds), and 3) big (>400 beds). Farther stratification was done by identifying both HPUs and LPUs in EBP implementation based on factors identified in the larger study regarding the number of evidence-based interventions performed, scores on the Meyer and Goes research apply calibration,17 unit of measurement fall rate, and fall injury charge per unit. The Meyer and Goes scale measured assimilation of innovations onto hospital units focusing on contextual attributes, innovation attributes, and the interaction between these.17 Unit fall injury rate was used because it was one of the two outcome variables of interest of the original study (falls and falls with injuries). The better the fall rates, the better the units were doing toward preventing falls. Project managers, interviewers, and data analysts were all kept blind to functioning designations until comparing of findings across units was required. NMs were randomly selected from each level of stratification and invited via e-mail to participate in telephone interviews. Table 1 presents NM stratification. The study includes ix NM participants representing all six subgroups. Iii groups had merely one participant because saturation was reached before additional participants were interviewed.

Table 1

NM-stratified categories

Infirmary size (by bed capacity) High performers, N=5 NMs Depression performers, =iv NMs
Modest two 2
Medium 1 i
Big 2 1

All of the NMs who participated in this written report were female person. The boilerplate experience every bit an NM was six.5 years (range from 9 months to 33 years). The degrees held past NM participants varied, including diploma (1), associate's degree (2), bachelor's degree (ane), and principal's degree in nursing (5). About all of the NMs had at least one certification, including Medical-Surgical Nursing Certification, Oncology Nursing Certification, and Critical Intendance Registered Nurse Certification.


The structured interview guide was developed for this study by the report investigators. Questions were adult based on a review of the literature also as feedback from experts in EBP implementation. In that location were approximately 30 questions divided into five parts: personal understanding of EBP (eg, definition, examples), institutional infrastructure for EBP (eg, triggers for change, resources to facilitate change, education, training), personal strategies to promote implementation of evidence on the unit (eg, examples, ways to recognize staff, assets, barrier), administrative practices (eg, employ of evidence for administrative decisions, accountability for using EBP), and demographics (eg, teaching, number of years as manager). Example questions include the post-obit: a) Please describe whatever group, council, or committee inside your hospital that is helpful in fostering the use of EBPs on your unit of measurement; b) What are your firsthand supervisor's expectations regarding EBP? Exact consent was attained at the fourth dimension of acceptance to interview, and NMs mailed written informed consent forms to the inquiry squad. Three trained research assistants conducted interviews over the phone at a fourth dimension that was convenient for both the field of study and the interviewer. Interview duration was between xl minutes and hr. The interviewer was blinded to the unit's status every bit either an HPU or LPU. The interviews were audio recorded and then later transcribed for analysis. Saturation was adamant when we received multiple overlapping responses beyond participants, and nosotros had NMs from each of the operation/hospital size categories in Table ane.


Two researchers read each interview transcript using descriptive inductive content analysis to identify overarching patterns across participants. Identified patterns forth with the specific aims of the inquiry study created a set of descriptive constructs and codes and provided a framework to build a more in-depth analysis of themes and concepts across participants. The initial bones framework, or the bones descriptive constructs, included "role of NM", "clinical content areas", "administrative practices supported past EBP", and "infrastructure/driving forces". Past consensus, the researchers defined each construct to facilitate consistent identification of themes across all interviews. Each interview transcript was analyzed by two researchers with a third "checker" to ensure consistency across coding equally definitions for constructs, themes, and subthemes became more refined.15 Whatever discrepancies in theme identification were discussed and in all cases were resolved past consensus. At this stage of the analysis, functioning designations were unblinded so that HPUs and LPUs could be identified and comparisons made across units. A software program was non used to aid analysis, but content-analytic summary tables were used to categorize codes and themes by HPUs and LPUs.18 HPUs and LPUs within each theme were then compared using both codes and quotes from interviews. For the purpose of this newspaper, the theme and constructs related to infrastructure and driving forces are the focus. The "role of the NM" is reported in other findings, and volition exist reserved for that forthcoming manuscript.


Inside the overarching theme of institutional infrastructure, three major subthemes evolved from the assay that highlighted contextual factors perceived by NMs to influence implementation of EBP in the clinical environment. Some examples describe support provided directly to the NM in her part, while other examples describe support for staff nurses nether the NM supervision; both of these support NM'south expectation and oversight of the employ of EBP at the unit of measurement level. These examples are woven together because NMs recognized both these types of support as helpful to their goal to provide EBP at the unit of measurement level. Civilization, structure, and resources were perceived past NMs to empower nurses and initiate modify on their nursing units to improve patient care. Additionally, NMs of HPUs and LPUs recognized varying driving forces to implementation of EBP.


Although workplace culture is sometimes subsumed under context, or fifty-fifty structure, it is discussed as unique here considering NMs identified specific factors attributed to civilisation that impacted EBP change on their unit. Culture is divers here as the values and beliefs that drive behaviors and decisions within an institution. Dissimilar aspects of institutional civilization served as both facilitators and barriers of EBP.

Hospital culture

Overwhelmingly, NMs of both HPUs and LPUs described a hospital-level culture supportive of EBP. Four NMs from HPUs described an overarching hospital culture that held specific nursing units answerable to initiate EBP change and implement EBP practices, while NMs representing 2 LPUs also described a supportive hospital civilisation. Specific to support for NMs in their office, a common thread among NMs from HPUs was cultural support of NM-comprised management teams that provided mentorship and immediate feedback, and served as a collaborative body that empowered NMs to brand effective changes on their units. 1 HPU director says,

[…] we [NM Management Team] really all sit down every quarter and have educational opportunities for [unit] leaders. Sometimes it's direction or testify-based techniques or practices, sometimes it'due south clinical processes. We all sit downwards together every bit a grouping and become over […] and make up one's mind a plan of activeness on how we're going to institute those kinds of things. Earlier we give education to the staff, we're ordinarily sitting downwards together equally a group because […] we have to figure out how we're going to be able to contain being able to maintain [and] hardwire the processes.

This highlights that supportive culture not simply values a high level of responsibility for NMs to implement EBP, but as well they are provided a collaborative temper in which to create strategies and operationalize the processes required to brand change.

One HPU NM described her institutional administration equally a barrier to making changes in policies despite the parallel expectation of EBP adoption and implementation. She described how she wanted to make changes across departments, but lacked support from administrative superiors to make these changes. This NM described situations where units had evidence to support improved practice; nevertheless, administrative support for sharing findings with other units was absent. Although the high operation of this nursing unit suggests that the NM was motivated to promote EBP change, she was frustrated by the inconsistency between administrative expectations and administrative back up.

Although many of the NMs from LPUs described a supportive atmosphere, they were vague about strategies employed to assist NMs to motivate nurses at the unit level to take accountability for EBP. Every bit an example, one LPU NM articulated the general support of hospital administration for EBP as a concept, "I think the vocabulary itself of show-based is the whole aura throughout the hospital." LPU NMs described a lack of authoritative guidance in methods or approaches by which to help staff to implement EBP. One NM described the administrative approach of taking national initiatives to the unit of measurement nurses to have them make up one's mind how to implement necessary changes without providing a vision of how to support this change. While it may be beneficial for unit of measurement nurses to be involved in the change adoption procedure, many are likely to lack the necessary knowledge and skills required by the EBP implementation process to lead efforts at do modify. This approach may be indicative of the depression operation in EBP earned by this nursing unit.

When Articulation Commission or another regulating body demands a modify in practice, the hospital is expected to make the required changes in gild to be accredited and demonstrate a commitment to patient safety and quality issues. NMs in all groups recognized the impact that external regulatory forces had on administrative expectations for EBP. One NM reflects, "… overall, information technology comes from a national patient safety goal or a articulation committee'due south goal. And so you lot know, it's non something you say … we all need to practice it." Despite this shared understanding, the communication of necessary changes from administrative to staff nurse levels differed between HPUs and LPUs. HPU NMs tended to describe environments where communication most necessary alter was openly discussed and advertised. For example, 1 HPU NM said that her CEO hosts "Town Hall Meetings" to directly inform the managers of modify, in improver to flyers placed on nursing units to announce changes in do. Additionally, HPU NMs had opportunities to attend conferences or in-services that provided education almost practice changes required by regulatory bodies, which gave these NMs foundational information on how to communicate with the infirmary assistants about strategies and foreseen barriers of implementing the change on their respective units. LPU NMs provided examples of hospitals sending nurses to external programs such as TCAB conferences, the Chapman Scholar Program (identified past the NMs equally an opportunity funded by their hospital to deport research), or Magnet meetings, which furthered NMs knowledge and skills in supporting unit-level EBP modify. The infirmary culture is an of import component that helps to bring some of the expectations of regulatory bodies and health care trends to nursing units. A hospital culture that transmits new messages from regulatory bodies using organized meetings and pertinent information helped NMs to feel supported in implementation of EBP on their nursing units with a greater understanding.

A supportive hospital civilization supports interdisciplinary buy-in from across disciplines and upwards and down the ability hierarchy within the organization to make modify happen. An HPU NM describes this collaboration as,

So, from our board of trustees downwards we go the purchase-in and and then, sometimes when we're trying to change nursing process–sometimes information technology comes from the quality side, sometimes it comes from the nursing side. But we interact with everybody involved in the room, considering there are representatives from all the clinical areas […]

The NM identified that the reward of this process is that nurses' voices are heard across the organization, and information technology results in faster implementation of changes in practice. Considering the relationship of multidisciplinary team members, is critical to agreement change, and those who volition be invested in the change at the unit level.

Civilisation of expectations

The NM heavily influences the shaping of a unit environment, and these NMs described leadership strategies to empower their staff nurses to implement EBP. An NM from an HPU describes her staff,

I fix really high expectations for my staff and they take really risen to the occasion. I'thousand just now starting to actually reap the benefits of having very active committees, my staff experts […] they drive their own piece of work surroundings […] I can't be in the committees–if they desire me to go and answer some questions I will. Merely I pretty much have said, I trust you […]. I know what your capabilities are, yous don't need a unit coordinator to be sitting in these committees because you all are the experts.

Nursing managers ensure opportunities for staff nurses to be active participants in implementing EBP on the unit.

I ship people to programs and send them to evidence-based in-services, and we attempt to encompass them so they tin can become while they're at work. We take decisions back to the expanse coordinating team and let them practice the work […]. I encounter my staff being more as a unit presentation, non me presenting everything […] I desire them to be accountable for their unit of measurement and for the best patient care on this unit. I don't know if everybody sees it that mode, but I can see information technology and I hope eventually they see all of information technology.

These NMs are actively edifice units in which the staff nurses are involved with committees, hospital-wide initiatives, unit decisions, and education. One NM from an HPU had extra help with this process by creating a position, in addition to another managing director or a accuse nurse, that she chosen a "unit coordinator". She reported her role as,

[…] we reinforce that the unit coordinators, […] they're non charge nurses, they're considered management. They're reinforcing […] new information and new technology, new skills […] every shift they're here having a rounding with my staff.

She recognized that she cannot be present for every shift and the importance of having someone designated as oversight for EBP implementation. These NMs who were motivated and set high expectations for their staff transferred their motivation to the nursing staff to drive change and current practice.

NMs expressed understanding their role as communicators of authoritative expectations for necessary change and consistent implementation of EBP. NMs on HPUs described an atmosphere where administrative expectations of EBP were met with rewards and consequences and provided impetus for EBP implementation to be prioritized on these units. As i HPU NM discussed, she described a merit calibration that was proportionate to their participation in driving change on their units and ultimately impacted their salaries. This tangible stimulus encouraged NMs to hold unit-level nurses responsible for carrying out EBP strategies that were administrative expectations.


The structure of an institution guides the processes of intendance. This includes the hierarchy of leadership, and the bureaucracy of conclusion making within the institution. NMs reflected on these aspects of structure impacting their ability to implement EBP.

Engaging nurses in decision making through shared governance

Nursing managers from all units saw shared governance models as avenues for nurses' involvement in infirmary-wide EBP initiatives. More LPU NMs described working with shared governance models than HPU NMs. The shared governance model ensures activity from all levels of employees to participate, and gives the construction that some organizations need to work together toward EBP goals. One LPU NM defines it clearly by stating,

We take six shared governance committees–a nursing exercise commission, a nursing inquiry committee, a nursing education committee–the shared leadership committee members bring forth the issues of the unit, based on the quality committee. And so [they] bring information technology to the most appropriate shared governance […] y'all have representation from all of the divisions, there's the medicine representative, the surgical representative, so it's brought up to a college level […] they in plough look at it on an organizations standpoint; do, education, enquiry, everything, and make decisions […] they focus and filter it upwards and downwardly in lodge to change policies, protocols, and things similar that.

On i LPU, the nursing assistants recognized the need for more than equipment at the bedside, and had a place to bring those concerns to the shared governance committees to exist heard infirmary-wide. Their NM recognized, "And I think having more than people involved on your shared governance committees and letting them bring back the updates is needed." Shared governance is certainly an artery for all staff to contribute ideas or strategies within the larger hospital structure, relieving some pressure from the NM to provide avenues toward modify on her own.

NMs described nurses' involvement in shared governance committees as positive, but their level of power for conclusion making was sometimes unclear. The committees would brand the policies and procedures, and nurses helped to disseminate mass east-mails to communicate the changes coming to the hospital. Nurses brought policy change suggestions to the meetings, attended the meetings, and brought information back to the nursing units. To describe the process of nursing interest in a policy/procedure committee, one NM explains,

[…] she [nurse] did research […] and constitute a study that was published […] then nosotros're irresolute our neutropenic diet and assuasive flowers and kind of changed that because of the inquiry that she found […] if it involves annihilation that is a policy or procedure, then information technology has to go in front of the practice council and and then they basically review them at the council and any changes that were made […] get sent out.

Although nurses are actively involved in information presented at these councils, the final determination making for policy change does not necessarily rest in the hands of nursing alone, every bit described here, considering the shared governance committee makes that final conclusion. This has the potential to remove some of the autonomy in conclusion making for EBP recommendations.

Despite some of the dubiety of nurses' terminal decision-making capabilities within the institution, HPU NMs articulated avenues that nurses were making decisions within the institutions on nursing-specific committees within units. Unit-based committees were an important attribute of institutional structure that immune nurses to be involved in decisions to implement EBPs, supporting NM expectations to drive change.

Engaging nurses in conclusion making through committees

While more LPUs employ shared governance models and multidisciplinary committees than HPUs, nurse-specific committees are mentioned more frequently by HPU than LPU NMs. NMs recognized the power of nurses in determination making reflective of their scope of practice. HPUs had a diverseness of specific practise-oriented committees, such as wound intendance, infection protection, and diabetic teaching. NMs of LPUs mentioned ane specialty committee for force per unit area ulcers, and involvement in TCAB through committee work. The overlaps across HPUs and LPUs are the research/EBP committees, nursing exercise, unit of measurement-based councils, nursing practice committees, and nursing education committees. None of the LPU NMs mentioned nurses' interest in quality improvement committees.

HPU NMs expressed nursing committee membership as a way to create modify in nursing practice, and describe their nurses feeling empowered to create and implement these changes through their committee membership. I NM from an HPU told us,

We too have a nurse practice council that actually looks at policies and through testify-based do what is all-time and how to change these policies […] if you lot practise it right and practice a quality rounding instead of simply to stand in the room to make sure that they're okay […] and this is at present policy […] we've tweaked the policy a couple times as to making sure that it identifies what we desire- that the bodily effect is what we want.

The structural arrangement of hospitals that focused on nurses' involvement in committees pulled forward nurses from all levels to be part of change recommendations and implementations for patient care. NMs need hospitals that encourage structures for nursing-specific committees and let nurses to make EBP recommendations for practise.


Accessibility and types of resource motivate and influence how hospitals and NMs tin work with staff to change policy in support of the best practice. Despite positive aspirations and supportive infirmary cultures of EBP, NMs articulated the continual demand for resources to support these aspirations to brand change and implement EBP at the unit level. HPUs and LPUs have resources that NMs reflect as internal and external. Effigy i displays the internal resources, while Figure 2 displays the external resource described past these NMs. From these figures, it is clear that HPUs were able to describe a greater quantity of internal resource than the LPUs. LPU NMs full-bodied on library resource, advanced practise nurses inside their organization, and Net or computer information to support their expectations of staff use of EBP. Internet and computer information included the Intranet services that allow employees to spread information from committee work, and minutes from meetings. But HPUs had access to a quality department, and NMs from LPUs described a research board to aid them brand their decisions for any practice changes.

An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.  Object name is jhl-7-029Fig1.jpg

Internal resources for HPUs and LPUs identified by nurse managers as supporting EBP on hospital units.

Abbreviations: HPUs, high-performing units; LPUs, low-performing units; EBP, bear witness-based practice; dept, department; APN, advanced practice nurses; VP, vice president.

An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.  Object name is jhl-7-029Fig2.jpg

External resource for HPUs and LPUs identified by nurse managers every bit supporting EBP on hospital units.

Abbreviations: HPUs, loftier-performing units; LPUs, depression-performing units; EBP, prove-based practise; dept, department; RN, registered nurse.

With recent upkeep constraints, NMs acknowledged the need for institutional financial resources to accomplish necessary education and projects they desired based on EBP. NMs considered conferences an important piece of implementing EBP, and they attended conferences themselves and sent staff nurses from their units to conferences for educational advocacy. One NM mentioned that, with the downturn in the economy recently, she received less funding for attention conferences. One of the HPU's hospital administrations paid for the staff involvement in committee work or not-patient care days to conduct enquiry or education on a topic of staff option. One of the HPU NMs received funds for loftier performers on her unit to use as an incentive to promote EBP, stating,

we have a nil to five percentage [increase] merit […] I mean i they get highlighted, y'all know, they get a lot of personal praise and recognition, like we have a newsletter that goes out to our staff, so of grade they go recognized in that […] in gild to go a v percentage [increase salary] yous have to be an active participant in driving change.

LPU NMs mentioned conferences as their main reason for seeking funding from their arrangement'south administration.

Paid internships by the institution provided some other source of teaching and inquiry for staff nurses. Two LPU NMs described internships that assisted staff nurses in developing leadership skills and in conducting enquiry to nowadays new information to their units. These were both internally and externally funded internships.

One of the [internship staff] did one [project] on neutropenic nutrition for our cancer unit and ane of the things […] they don't go flowers, they don't become peppers, raw vegetables, that kind of thing […] she was looking for a project for the leadership and and then she did enquiry on that and establish a report, so we're changing our neutropenic nutrition and allowing flowers and kind of changed that because of the research she constitute.

These resources are helping nurses to keep electric current with enquiry to maintain EBP on their units, building a culture of EBP the NMs desired.

Nursing managers provided insights and suggestions of ways to assistance them to motivate and involve their staff in implementing EBP. NMs called for the need for more avant-garde practice nurses available to every unit to aid brainwash and implement EBPs with their staff nurses. Multiple NMs mentioned educational activity funding for themselves and their staff for attending conferences and pedagogy sessions.

Driving change to implement EBP

Forces that influence alter and implementation of EBP on nursing units were divided into ii categories, internal and external. Internal forces that drive modify were considered those within of the infirmary/institution and the nursing unit. Both HPU and LPU NMs emphasized that staff nursing recommendations helped to bulldoze change. Ane HPU NM stated, "Basically a lot of these changes are nurse-driven. They come to me with ideas and I basically research the idea and come with a decision. And that'southward how I get almost initiating whatsoever needs to exist initiated." Internal modify also comes from the committees described in the "Structure" department. With administrative back up, NMs were able to create new committees and keep their staff nurses agile in committees. As an example, 1 HPU NM described, "I'm just now starting to really reap the benefits of having very agile committees; they're starting to run across how they drive their own work environment." Because of internal communication styles, such as Town Hall Meetings, there was a difference in how NMs felt that administrative expectations were passed down. This impacted the way NMs felt they were function of the procedure of driving change within the establishment. HPU NM units tended to see modify every bit positive and noted a more comprehensive effort to put the modify into effect. LPU NMs, on the other hand, noted that alter was sometimes perceived as more of a "top down" mandate. One LPU NM expressed, "It gets filtered down from the executive level to the managers and the managers filter information technology down to staff – but it'due south always the what and why. The why is the most important because that – that's what drives more agreement past united states." One of the most significant drivers of modify for ane HPU NM was the patient. She stated, "The bottom line is best patient upshot." Internal forces that drive change included institutional avenues to receive direct staff nurse input and empowerment to review and implement EBP, clear and open communication with authoritative levels, and the recognition of working toward modify for the benefit of the patient.

External forces originating from outside the establishment acted to produce change inside institutions. The process of obtaining Magnet status and its human relationship to producing evidence-based change were most oftentimes mentioned by LPUs. I LPU NM reflected, "We just finished re-designation for Magnet yesterday […] and to hear every one of the staff in all of those meetings talk nigh evidence-based [practice] […] it's not only a term anymore […] people actually sympathise information technology." Conversely, HPU NMs identified external forces related to national safety initiatives or reaction to payment for services. One HPU NM described,

Coin is certainly a factor and monetary principles. So when yous talk about things like, that CMS [U.s.a. Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services] is no longer going to pay for, you know, catheter associated infections, then you have a monetary, um, force that's driving you to change practice to eliminate those – to change your benchmarks. Um, yous know, then I would say that that's part of what drives change.

Reflected within the culture of expectations earlier in this paper, the fashion that these external forces are passed to NMs to pass to nursing staff differed between HPU and LPU NM descriptions. All NMs recognized that in that location were external bodies that played a role in emphasizing EBP, providing resources to implement EBP, and driving change. Even so, NMs from LPUs identified the principal drivers of modify as external forces such as Magnet status, without every bit much articulated support from internal forces every bit HPU NMs.

This research revealed that institutional contextual factors weighed heavily on NMs as they were supporting staff in the implementation of EBP on their units. Components of the context described by NMs include culture, construction, and resources available to back up the implementation of EBP. Supportive cultural aspects included setting expectations and evaluations for NM and staff focused on EBP, institutional appreciation for involving staff in decisions, and collaboration or teamwork among the managers of different units. When these cultural supports were non in place, especially from upper administration, NMs turned to exterior agencies for reasons why they had to brand changes. On a practical level, supportive structures included shared governance models, or flat hierarchical institution models, and specialty/nursing/unit of measurement-specific committees. It was also apparent that internal resources supported HPUs, while LPUs' had lower admission to internal resource or quality departments inside the establishment. Creative strategies by NMs for educating and empowering staff to implement EBP are needed. The NMs were incredibly insightful of the resources available and the resources needed to implement EBP.

Discussion and conclusion

Ample research supports the importance of reviewing an establishment'south context to understand how to all-time support the implementation of EBP at all levels of nursing.i , 7 , 8 , 10 , 11 Qualitative inquiry provides an opportunity to explain and reverberate on in-depth explanations from the perspective of NMs as they are working to implement EBP themselves and serving in a role encouraging and empowering staff nurses to implement EBP at the unit level.19 McCormack et al give us a summary of indicators related to construction, civilization, context, leadership, and evaluation that are related to stiff and weak enablers of effective do.6 NMs described here that culture, structure, and resources within the institutional context either empowered them to independently bulldoze alter or created barriers to them resulting in feeling disempowered to brand change on their units. HPU NMs were talking about nurses driving alter within the institution, demonstrating a sense of empowerment and accountability for that alter. The NMs from those units had an contained phonation with regard to their expectations and desires for activeness and committee piece of work. Meanwhile, LPU NMs spoke more about external forces, administration, and exterior influences for making changes or gathering teams. The independence of HPU NMs resulted from both the civilisation and construction of the larger establishment. Their independence also reflects support from management team meetings and mentorship more so than LPU NMs. In addition, they also described more resources, both financially and strategically to back up their function in empowering staff to apply EBP at the unit level. These trends demonstrate the need for institutions to build a context that empowers NMs. Cummings et al state, "By providing opportunities for staff development and nurse-to-nurse collaboration and sufficient nurse staffing and support services, administrations make investments that result ultimately in better quality care for patients" (p S32).20 NMs can provide a goad to bring administrative support to unit and staff nurse level. They can create much from footling simply demand to feel empowerment and accountability to brand those changes happen.

Stetler emphasized the need to have an organized structure supportive of implementing EBP, allowing a civilisation of support for EBP to exist enacted.10 Educational support was both desired and attainable at dissimilar levels across NM institutions. Previous research supports educational support for implementing EBP. I proffer is pedagogy outreach visits.21 Another proffer is to utilise the interns from Clinical Scholars Programme,22 who receive mentorship and are motivated to implement EBP. These research findings support these recommendations with examples and excitement virtually teaching opportunities for staff nurses. Staff nurses tin can then bring those models back to their unit and committees, keeping with the trends of current evidence.

The Crossing the Quality Chasm Written report23 defines goals for 21st century for implementing research into practice through EBP. This report focuses on the complex relationship between quality measurement within institutions and the health care delivery construction. Stronger quality departments within hospitals would assist to achieve Institute of Medicine goals. Only HPU NMs in this study mentioned quality departments being readily bachelor as a resources for nurses inside the institution, although LPU NMs did mention area coordinators or patient care and commitment teams. Resources in identify tin bridge quality and adventure assessments or policy reviews with other responsibilities to support NMs to implement EBP on their units.

In a qualitative written report about centre managers, Dopson and Fitzgerald24 constitute of import components to implement EBP, including collaborative relationships, EBP changes focused on targeted outcomes, the need to train managers to facilitate alter, encouragement of open argue near best practice and evidence, and offering meaningful levers for change (ie, budgetary or study get out). The findings from this study are reflective of some of these recommendations.

The limitations of this written report are inherent within the qualitative method. Although nosotros could report summative results of committees and resources bachelor within these institutions, the number of participants (with only nine NMs) limits the generalizability to other NM experiences. While this report contributes to a deeper understanding of some of these contextual institutional factors affecting NMs ability to implement EBP on units with their staff, continual efforts to refine the measurement of context and its impact on practise are needed.25 Furthermore, information technology calls for future research developing a system to measure contextual factors related to HPUs and LPUs to identify large-scale differences and motivate institutions to make changes where necessary to create HPUs.

NMs perceived workplace culture, structure, and resource equally facilitators or barriers to empowering nurses under their supervision to use EBP and drive change. A workplace culture that provides clear communication of EBP goals or regulatory changes, direct contact with CEOs, and clear expectations supported NMs in their promotion of EBP on their units. HPU NMs described a structure that included nursing-specific committees, allowing nurses to drive change and EBP from within the unit of measurement. NMs from HPUs were more likely to articulate internal resources, such as quality-monitoring departments, every bit critical to the implementation of EBP on their units. Workplace civilization, structure, unit-level resource, availability of institutional resources, and institutional prioritization and expectation of EBP implementation supported NMs in their implementation of EBP in the clinical environment.



The authors report no conflicts of interest in this work.


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Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5740993/

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