Difference Between Hunan Beef and Szechuan Beef

China is a land of civilization and cuisine. Known for its dragons and spicy food, China has a range of lip-smacking recipes to share with the rest of the world. I of the prominent and world-renowned dishes of Mainland china is the Hunan Beef.

Made with special Hunan Beefiness and aplenty of different spices, these recipes let your sense of taste buds dance the tango while offering yous great digestion and satisfaction.

Fabricated in a range of formats and using dissimilar spices, the Hunan beef recipes tin be fabricated and served on dissimilar occasions and timings.  Let'due south know Hunan Beefiness better and how it is ane of the most cherished meat types to include in your special repast preparations.

what is hunan beef

What is Hunan Beef

If you are a Chinese food enthusiast, Hunan Beefiness is one of the preparations that y'all must be enlightened of. A traditional Chinese stir fry, this dish is fabricated in a spicy sauce and takes no time to fully ready.

Tender beef pieces are stir-fried to perfection, ensuring you bask the tender and juicy gustation to the core. It is a sophisticated preparation that can be altered equally per your gustation preferences.

Precisely cut slices of beefiness are fried in hot oil and tossed with lots of veggies, chilies and the gustation as per your selection. The dish is known for its tangy taste along with the spicy kick information technology has because of the rich use of chilies.

A thick chili paste is added to the dish to arrive a spicy dish but like many of the other Asian dishes.

You can gear up this dish yourself or reach out to a eating house and choose your option of ingredients to play with the traditional recipes a little. Either way, any dish prepared with Hunan beefiness is proven to taste skilful till the time yous cook it the correct way.

chinese cuisine

Hunan Beef History of the Dish

Originated in the Hunan Province of China, Hunan cuisine has a range of dishes nether its name and Hunan Beef is the almost popular ane. His cooking dates back to the 17thursday century when it was prepared traditionally using authentic stir-fried techniques.

The addition of chili peppers to the recipes was done somewhere in 1684. Though the cooking techniques have evolved in due class of time, the dish tastes as scrumptious as information technology used to exist, when cooked traditionally.

Some of the well-known dishes cooked in Hunan Cuisine include fried chicken with Sichuan spicy sauce (麻辣鸡丁; 麻辣雞丁; málàjīdīng) and smoked pork with dried long dark-green beans (干豆角蒸腊肉; 干豆角蒸臘肉; gāndòujiǎozhēnglàròu).

The addition of loads of chili peppers, garlic, and shallots along with the dry hotness of cherry-red chili paste makes it very piece of cake to identify your favorite Hunan Beef effectually the earth.

Hunan Regional Cuisine Characteristics

There are 3 primary cooking styles making the Hunan Cuisine:

  • Xiang River style: Originating from Changsha, Xiangtan and Hengyang
  • Dongting Lake fashion: Originating from Yueyang, Yiyang and Changde
  • Western Hunan style: Originating from Zhangjiajie, Jishou and Huaihua

This dish is hot and spicy in flavors and is distinctive in terms of fresh aroma and deep colors. Hunan is known to be a prominent agricultural area in the Chinese land and the abundance of veggies and fresh beef gives origin to dishes like Hunan Beef.

A lot of dishes are added to the dish to cater to the Chinese people's liking for hot and spicy food. In one case a prominent dish in China, this delicacy has made its place in the list of popular dishes across the world, especially America.

The key identifiers of Hunan Cuisine and Hunan Beef are cooking techniques like stewing, smoking pot-roasting and stir-frying, with an abundance of spices and spicy kick from chilies. The dish is made differently as per the prevailing weather condition conditions.

While in summer this dish can be served cold, winters encounter their hot version served smoky and fiery. One of the cloak-and-dagger and most traditional ingredients added to the 18-carat recipe is Shaoxing vino, made from fermented rice. This detail ingredient holds pregnant credit for making Hunan Beef taste then heavenly.

hunan beef calories

Hunan Beefiness Calories – It is Healthy?

The modern generation is health-conscious and ane thing that we call back earlier ordering any dish is- "Is it Healthy"? The concerns are even college when you are eating Chinese food as information technology is known for its calorie-rich contents. This dish can be the all-time Chinese meal choice to ensure you lot eat good for you and a consummate meal.

When traditionally cooked, one serving of Chinese Take-out Hunan Beefiness offers yous 230 calories. However, the calorie delivered from the serving can differ from 1 recipe to another depending upon the style of cooking, ingredients added and oils used.

Besides 230 calories, a traditional recipe offers 4 yard of fat, 36g Carbs and 12g Protein. Information technology is too a rich source of Vitamins offering a skilful load of Vitamin A, B-12, B-half dozen, C, D, East along with other nutrients such as Calcium, Copper, Folate, Atomic number 26 and Zinc.

Every bit far as the health quotient of the dish is concerned, it is a dish made to cater to the taste requirements of those who love to eat Chinese nutrient. However, information technology isn't made unhealthy as it is rich in veggies including bell peppers, garlic and shallots.

When cooked in a high-grade oil and using traditional recipe the dish serves the protein requirements of your body to develop slap-up muscles and carbs to ensure you practise not get hungry for quite some fourth dimension.

The modern restaurants offer you lot the option to customize your Hunan Beef Recipe. You can add together as many veggies as y'all want and choose to keep the sauce and oil content less. Information technology might affect the taste of the dish, merely if healthy eating is your goal, yous must be fix to compromise a footling.

Hunan Beef vs. Szechuan Beef

The key difference between the Hunan Beef and Szechuan beef is their place of origin. While Hunan beef is a delicacy prepared and enjoyed in the Hunan province of China, Szechuan beef originated in the Sichuan province of China.

Because of the different sources of origin, both the types of beef accept their own sense of taste and aroma and differ significantly from one some other. Hither are the fundamental differences between the 2:


Szechuan Beefiness

Hunan Beef


The dish and its variants were originated in the Sichuan Province of China.

The Hunan beef recipe was get-go originated in the 17 th century in the Western Hunan, a province in People's republic of china.


Szechuan beef is spicy but not as much as the other one.

Because of its rich red chili and bell pepper content, is a very spicy and hot dish. Way too much than Szechuan beef!

Cooking techniques

Steaming, braising, and stir-frying are the cardinal cooking techniques used to prepare Szechuan Beef.

For Hunan Beefiness preparations, the key cooking techniques used are stewing, smoking pot-roasting and stir-frying which gives it a crispy taste and texture.

Food preservation

Food preservation is a traditional fashion to keep food rubber in People's republic of china. For Szechuan beef, the Chinese use drying, pickling or salting methods.

The utilise of cured and smoked ingredients in preparing Hunan Beef ensures that it is safe to consume for a long period of time.

Primal ingredients

Bell pepper, garlic, ginger and peanuts are the prominent ingredients used for preparing Szechuan beef.

In Hunan Beef, the primal ingredients used include bong peppers, ruby chilies, garlic and shallots.

crockpot hunan beef recipe

Crockpot Hunan Beefiness Recipe

While Hunan beef is best prepared in a Chinese wok, you exercise not accept to worry if you lot practise not ain ane. Y'all tin can always effort to brand this recipe in a crockpot. Here are my favorite crockpots. The merely affair you need to keep in heed that be quick in calculation the ingredients and stir-frying them to perfection.

So let's outset with the ingredients for a perfect Hunan Beef recipe:


  • one pound  beef precisely cut into long thin strips
  • 1/four tablespoon cornstarch
  • Salt
  • pepper
  • iii tablespoons oil
  • 1  red bong pepper  (sliced)
  • 1  zucchini  (cut into rounds)
  • 1 cup  shallots


  • 1 tablespoon  granulated/brown sugar
  • 1 teaspoon  apple cider vinegar
  • ane tablespoon  cornstarch
  • 4 cloves  garlic  (minced)
  • ane tablespoon  fresh ginger  (minced)
  • two tablespoons ruby-red chili paste
  • two tablespoons  oyster sauce
  • one/four cup  soy sauce
  • i/2 cup  craven/ vegetable broth
  • i/iv teaspoon  red chili flakes


  • Green onions
  • Sesame seeds


  • Marinate the beef pieces in ¼ cup cornstarch, table salt and pepper and go out it aside.
  • Mix all the sauce ingredients together in a bowl and give them a perfect mix.
  • Heat the crockpot and add some oil to it. Now add sauced beef to it in batches. Cook them in one case per side and once washed, accept out and put aside.
  • Now, in the aforementioned crockpot, add some oil and and then the vegetables. Cook the vegetables until they become tender inside and crispy outside.
  • Add the stir-fried beef to the pot with vegetables and add the sauce mixture. Coat all the ingredients well in the sauce and turn off the gas.
  • Your Hunan Beef is set, garnish it with green onions and sesame seeds and serve with a side of rice.

Sectional Recipe for thefoodwonder.com


Hunan Beefiness is a healthy recipe full of spices. Traditionally cooked, the dish is piece of cake to assimilate and a keen delight for your taste buds. If y'all have the best quality beef cut to perfection, and organic ingredients to prepare the recipe, yous can enjoy the authentic sense of taste of the recipe with your selection of side. Optimum calories and other nutrients, i serving of this dish is a complete meal.

Originated from the Hunan Province of Prc, this dish has go widely popular beyond the world. Now that yous know how tin can cook a perfect Hunan Beef recipe, requite information technology a endeavor and enjoy the spicy and hot taste.

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Source: https://portamx.com/hunan-beef/

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