How Many Families of Deported Go on Welfare

This comparison examines the differences between the policies and political positions of the Democratic and Republican parties on major issues such every bit taxes, the role of government, entitlements (Social Security, Medicare), gun control, immigration, healthcare, abortion, environmental policy and regulation. These two parties boss America's political landscape but differ greatly in their philosophies and ethics.

Run across also: Joe Biden vs. Donald Trump

Comparison nautical chart

Democrat versus Republican comparison chart
Democrat Republican
Philosophy Liberal, left-leaning. Conservative, right-leaning.
Economic Ideas Minimum wages and progressive revenue enhancement, i.e., higher taxation rates for higher income brackets. Born out of anti-federalist ethics just evolved over time to favor more government regulation. Believe taxes shouldn't be increased for anyone (including the wealthy) and that wages should be set up by the free market place.
Social and human ideas Based on community and social responsibility Based on individual rights and justice
Stance on Military problems Decreased spending Increased spending
Opinion on Gay Marriage Back up (some Democrats disagree) Oppose (some Republicans disagree)
Stance on Abortion Should remain legal; support Roe v. Wade Should non be legal (with some exceptions); oppose Roe five. Wade
Opinion on Expiry Penalty While support for the death penalty is strong amidst Democrats, opponents of the death penalty are a substantial fraction of the Democratic base. A large majority of Republicans support the death penalization.
Stance on Taxes Progressive (high income earners should be taxed at a higher rate). By and large not opposed to raising taxes to fund government. Tend to favor a "flat tax" (aforementioned tax rate regardless of income). Generally opposed to raising taxes.
Stance on Government Regulation Government regulations are needed to protect consumers. Authorities regulations hinder free market place capitalism and job growth.
Healthcare Policy Support universal healthcare; strong support of government involvement in healthcare, including Medicare and Medicaid. Generally support Obamacare. Private companies can provide healthcare services more efficiently than government-run programs. Oppose Obamacare provisions like (1) requirement for individuals to buy wellness insurance or pay a fine, (2) required coverage of contraceptives.
Stance on Immigration There is greater overall support in the Democratic party for a moratorium on deporting - or offer a pathway to citizenship to - certain undocumented immigrants. e.thou. those with no criminal record, who accept lived in the U.S. for 5+ years. Republicans are generally against amnesty for any undocumented immigrants. They too oppose President Obama's executive gild that put a moratorium on deporting sure workers. Republicans also fund stronger enforcement actions at the edge.
Traditionally strong in states California, Massachusetts, New York Oklahoma, Kansas, Texas
Symbol Ass Elephant
Color Bluish Red
Founded in 1824 1854
Senate Leader Chuck Schumer Mitch McConnell
Chairperson Tom Perez Ronna Romney McDaniel
Famous Presidents Franklin Roosevelt (FDR), John F. Kennedy, Bill Clinton, Woodrow Wilson, Jimmy Carter, Barack Obama Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, Ronald Reagan, George Bush-league, Richard Nixon
Seats in the Senate 45/100 (not including 2 independent Senators who caucus with the Democratic Political party) 53/100
Seats in the Business firm of Representatives 235/435 200/435
Governorships 23/50 27/l
Membership 44.vii million (equally of 2017) 32.eight million (equally of 2017)
2020 Presidential nominee Joe Biden Donald Trump

History of the Democratic and Republican parties

The Autonomous Party traces its origins to the anti-federalist factions around the time of America's independence from British rule. These factions were organized into the Democrat – Republican party by Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and other influential opponents of the Federalists in 1792.

The Republican political party is the younger of the 2 parties. Founded in 1854 by anti-slavery expansion activists and modernizers, the Republican Political party rose to prominence with the election of Abraham Lincoln, the first Republican president. The political party presided over the American Ceremonious War and Reconstruction and was harried by internal factions and scandals towards the terminate of the 19th century.

Since the division of the Republican Political party in the election of 1912, the Democratic party has consistently positioned itself to the left of the Republican Party in economic as well equally social matters. The economically left-leaning activist philosophy of Franklin D. Roosevelt, which has strongly influenced American liberalism, has shaped much of the party'southward economic calendar since 1932. Roosevelt's New Deal coalition usually controlled the national government until 1964.

The Republican Political party today supports a pro-business organisation platform, with foundations in economical libertarianism, and fiscal and social conservatism.

Differences in Philosophy

Republican philosophy leans more towards individual freedoms, rights and responsibilities. In contrast, Democrats attach greater importance to equality and social/customs responsibleness.

While in that location may be several differences in stance betwixt individual Democrats and Republicans on certain bug, what follows is a generalization of their stand on several of these issues.

Role of Government

I of the fundamental differences between Democratic and Republican party ethics is around the role of government. Democrats tend to favor a more agile role for government in lodge and believe that such interest can improve the quality of people's lives and help achieve the larger goals of opportunity and equality. On the other hand, Republicans tend to favor a minor government — both in terms of the number of people employed by the authorities and in terms of the roles and responsibilities of government in society. They see "big government" as wasteful and an obstruction to getting things washed. Their approach is Darwinian capitalism in that stiff businesses should survive in a free market rather than the regime influencing—through regulation—who wins or loses in business.

For example, Democrats tend to favor environmental regulations and anti-discrimination laws for employment. Republicans tend to consider such regulations harmful to business and job growth because most laws have unintended consequences. Indeed, the Environmental Protection Bureau (EPA) is a authorities agency that many Republican presidential candidates love to deride every bit an case of "useless" government agencies that they would close downwards.

Some other instance is the food stamps program. Republicans in Congress were demanding cuts to the Supplemental Diet Assistance Program (or SNAP), while Democrats wanted to expand this program. Democrats argued that with the unemployment rate high, many families needed the assistance provided past the plan. Republicans argued that there was a lot of fraud in the program, which is wasting taxpayer dollars. Republicans too favor more individual responsibleness, and so they would like to institute rules that force beneficiaries of welfare programs to accept more personal responsibility through measures similar mandatory drug testing, and looking for a job.[1]

Democratic vs Republican stand up on controversial bug

The Democrats and Republicans have varying ideas on many hot button issues, some of which are listed below. These are broadly generalized opinions; it must be noted that there are many politicians in each party who have dissimilar and more nuanced positions on these issues.

War machine

Republicans: Prefer increasing armed services spending and take a more hard line stance against countries like Iran, with a higher tendency to deploy the military option.

Democrats: Prefer lower increases in military spending and are comparatively more reluctant to using military force against countries like Iran, Syria and Great socialist people's libyan arab jamahiriya.

Gun control laws

Democrats favor more gun control laws e.g. oppose the right to carry concealed weapons in public places. Republicans oppose gun control laws and are strong supporters of the Second Amendment (the right to behave artillery) as well every bit the right to carry concealed weapons.


Democrats back up ballgame rights and keeping constituent abortions legal. Republicans believe abortions should non be legal and that Roe v. Wade should be overturned. Some Republicans get and so far as to oppose the contraception mandate i.e. requiring employer-paid health insurance plans to comprehend contraception.

A related signal of divergence is embryonic stem cell research - Democrats back up it while Republicans practise not.

LGBTQ rights

Democrats tend to favor equal rights for gay and lesbian couples e.grand. the right to get married and adopt children. Republicans believe that marriage should be divers as between a man and a woman so they exercise not back up gay matrimony, nor allowing gay couples to adopt children.

Democrats are also more supportive of rights for transgender people; for example, within well-nigh a month of taking office, Republican President Donald Trump rescinded protections for transgender students that had allowed them to utilise bathrooms respective with their gender identity.

Now that gay marriage is legal nationwide, the battlefield has shifted to related issues like transgender rights and anti-discrimination laws protecting LGBTQ people. For case, Democrats favor laws barring businesses from refusing to serve gay customers.

Death Penalty

The majority opinion in America about the death penalty is that it should be legal. However, many Democrats are opposed to it and the 2016 Democratic Party platform chosen for abolishing the death penalisation.[ii]


Democrats support progressive taxes. A progressive tax system is one where loftier-income individuals pay taxes at a college charge per unit. This is the how federal income tax brackets are currently gear up up. For instance, the first $10,000 in income is taxed at x% but marginal income over $420,000 is taxed at 39.six%.

Republicans back up tax cuts for everyone (rich and poor alike). They believe that a smaller government would need less revenue from taxes to sustain itself. Some Republicans are proponents of a "flat tax" where all people pay the aforementioned percentage of their income in taxes regardless of income level. They consider higher taxation rates on the rich a course of class warfare.

Related: A comparison of Donald Trump and Joe Biden's Taxation Policies

Minimum Wage

Democrats favor increasing the minimum wage, including a setting a federal limit then that it also applies in then-chosen red states. Most Autonomous proposals today are to raise it from the current $7.25 an 60 minutes to $fifteen. They argue that minimum wage should be loftier enough that someone working a full-time minimum wage chore should non be below the poverty line.

Republicans argue that raising the minimum wage hurts businesses, which makes them hire fewer workers, slowing downward the economy for everyone. They also argue that since toll of living is different in each state, minimum wage laws should accept that into business relationship rather than mandating a $xv wage nationally (which they argue is too high for some states).

Foreign Policy

U.S. strange policy has traditionally been relatively consistent betwixt Democratic and Republican administrations. Key allies have always been other Western powers like the UK, France. Allies in the middle due east were—and go on to remain—countries similar Israel, Saudi Arabia and Bahrain.

Still, some differences can be seen based on the Obama administration's handling of relations with sure countries. For instance, Israel and the U.S. have always been potent allies. Only relations between Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu have been tense. A major contributor to this tension has been the Obama administration's Islamic republic of iran policy. The U.S. tightened sanctions on Islamic republic of iran in Obama's commencement term, only negotiated a deal in the 2d term that allowed international inspections of Iranian nuclear facilities. The U.S. and Islamic republic of iran likewise establish mutual ground against the threat from ISIS. This rapprochement has irked Iran'due south traditional rival Israel, even though for all practical purposes Israel and the U.South. remain staunch allies. Republicans in Congress opposed the Islamic republic of iran deal and the easing of sanctions against Iran. They besides invited Netanyahu to deliver a speech against the deal.

Another country where the Democratic Obama administration reversed decades of U.S. policy is Cuba. Republican Rand Paul supported the unfreezing of relations with Cuba simply his opinion is non shared by a majority of Republicans.[3]. Republicans like presidential contenders Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz accept publicly opposed the normalization of relations with Cuba. [4][v]


Politicians from both parties are often heard proverb that "The immigration arrangement in this state is broken." Nevertheless, the political dissever has been too broad to allow whatever bipartisan legislation pass to "fix" the arrangement with "comprehensive immigration reform."

Undocumented immigrants

In full general the Democratic Party is considered more than sympathetic to the immigrant cause. In that location is widespread support amongst Democrats for the DREAM Act which grants conditional residency (and permanent residency upon meeting further qualifications) to undocumented immigrants who came to the U.S. when they were minors. The pecker never passed but the (Democratic) Obama administration did issue some protections for certain qualified undocumented immigrants.


Both Autonomous and Republican administrations take used and favored deportations. More than undocumented immigrants were deported under President Obama than whatever president before him. Deportations accept continued, if non accelerated, nether President Trump.

Legal immigration

Republicans favor legal immigration to be "merit-based" or "point-based". Such systems are used past countries like Canada and Commonwealth of australia to let lawful entry visas to individuals with in-demand skills who tin can contribute to the economy. The flip side of such a system is that not plenty visas may be bachelor for family-based clearing. A merit-based organisation is also the opposite of the "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe gratis, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore." philosophy.

Civil Rights

Abraham Lincoln belonged to the Republican Party, so the roots of the party lie in individual freedom and the abolition of slavery. Indeed, 82% of the Republicans in the U.Due south. Senate voted in favor of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 while just 69% of Democrats did. The Southern wing of the Democratic political party was vehemently opposed to civil rights legislation.

However, later on the passage of the Civil Rights Act, there was a sort of role reversal. Todd Purdum, author of An Thought Whose Time Has Come, a volume about the legislative maneuvering backside the passage of the Civil Rights Human activity, says this in an interview with NPR:

SIEGEL: How much of the Republican Political party in Congress supported the ceremonious rights beak as it still was? And how many voted for cloture to break the filibuster?  PURDUM: Well, the terminal vote in the Senate for the bill was 73 to 27, with 27 out of 33 Republican votes. So in proportional terms, the Republicans supported this bill much more than than the Democrats did in both houses.  SIEGEL: A few weeks after Lyndon Johnson signed that pecker into constabulary, as nosotros heard at the showtime, the Republicans go and they nominate Barry Goldwater for president, a Republican who had voted against civil rights. And their legacy is jettisoned at that moment.  PURDUM: In some important style that was the beginning of changing the Republican Party from the party of Lincoln into the party of white backlash which is, frankly, reputation that in the Southward especially endures to this day, and has hurt the Republican Party equally a national make in presidential elections.          

Republicans believe that Purdum'due south indicate of view is misleading considering Goldwater supported previous attempts at passing a Civil Rights human action, and desegregation, but did not like the 1964 Human action because he felt it infringed on states' rights.

In any case, the nowadays dynamic is that minorities like Hispanics and African Americans and are much more than probable to vote Autonomous than Republican. Notwithstanding, there are prominent African American Republicans similar Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice, Herman Cain, Clarence Thomas, Michael Steele and Alan West, besides as Hispanics like Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, Alberto Gonzales and Brian Sandoval.

Voter ID laws

Ceremonious liberties groups similar the ACLU criticize the GOP for pushing for voter ID laws — Republicans believe these laws are necessary to prevent voter fraud while Democrats claim that voter fraud is nigh non-existent and that these laws disenfranchise black and Hispanic voters who tend to be poorer and unable to obtain ID cards.

Blackness Lives Matter

The Black Lives Matter movement is a mostly Autonomous priority while Republicans have expressed more concern near the shootings of law officers. The 2016 Republican convention featured people killed at the hands of undocumented immigrants, as well as a sheriff proclaiming "blue lives affair." The Democratic convention, on the other hand, provided a forum for testimonials from the mothers of black men and women killed in confrontations with law.[vi]

Logos of the Democratic and Republican parties

Republican Party (GOP) logo


Republican Party (GOP) logo

Democratic Party logo


Autonomous Party logo

Red states and Blue states listing

Due to the TV coverage during some of the presidential elections in the past, the color Red has get associated with the Republicans (equally in Cerise states – the states where the Republican presidential nominee wins) and Blue is associated with the Democrats.

The Democratic Party, once dominant in the Southeastern U.s., is now strongest in the Northeast (Mid-Atlantic and New England), Great Lakes Region, as well as along the Pacific Declension (especially Littoral California), including Hawaii. The Democrats are also strongest in major cities. Recently, Democratic candidates have been faring better in some southern states, such as Virginia, Arkansas, and Florida, and in the Rocky Mountain states, especially Colorado, Montana, Nevada, and New Mexico.

Since 1980, geographically the Republican "base of operations" ("ruby states") is strongest in the South and W, and weakest in the Northeast and the Pacific Coast. The Republican Party'southward strongest focus of political influence lies in the Bang-up Plains states, particularly Oklahoma, Kansas, and Nebraska, and in the western states of Idaho, Wyoming, and Utah.

Cherry-red states outnumber blueish states

In February 2016, Gallup reported that for the first fourth dimension since Gallup started tracking, red states now outnumber bluish states.

A map showing Republican-leaning states in red and Democratic-leaning states in blue. a.k.a. red and blue states map.


A map showing Republican-leaning states in reddish and Democratic-leaning states in blue. a.k.a. red and blue states map.

In 2008, 35 states leaned Democratic and this number is down to but 14 now. In the aforementioned time, the number of Republican leaning states rose from 5 to twenty. Gallup determined 16 states to exist competitive, i.e., they leaned toward neither party. Wyoming, Idaho and Utah were the most Republican states, while states that leaned the nigh Democratic were Vermont, Hawaii and Rhode Island.

Famous Republican vs Autonomous Presidents

Republicans take controlled the White Firm for 28 of the concluding 43 years since Richard Nixon became president. Famous Democrat Presidents accept been Franklin Roosevelt, who pioneered the New Deal in America and stood for 4 terms, John F. Kennedy, who presided over the Bay of Pigs invasion and the Cuban missile crisis, and was assassinated in Office; Bill Clinton, who was impeached by the Firm of Representatives; and Nobel Peace Prize winners Barack Obama and Jimmy Carter.

Famous Republican Presidents include Abraham Lincoln, who abolished slavery; Teddy Roosevelt, known for the Panama Canal; Ronald Reagan, credited for ending the Cold War with Gorbachev; and the two Bush-league family unit Presidents of recent times. Republican President Richard Nixon was forced to resign over the Watergate scandal.

To compare the two parties' presidential candidates in the 2020 elections, see Donald Trump vs Joe Biden.

Control of the White House

This graphic shows which political party controlled the White House since 1901. You can find the list of Presidents on Wikipedia.

A timeline showing which political party had an incumbent in the White House. Republican presidents in red and Democratic presidents in blue. 1901-present.


A timeline showing which political party had an incumbent in the White Business firm. Republican presidents in red and Democratic presidents in bluish. 1901-present.

Republican vs Democratic Demographics

Interesting data about how support for each political party broke downwards past race, geography and the urban-rural dissever during the 2018 mid-term elections are presented in charts here.

The Pew Inquiry Grouping, amidst others, regularly surveys American citizens to determine political party affiliation or support for various demographic groups. Some of their latest results are beneath.

Partisan Advantages by Age

In general, support for the Democratic party is stronger among younger voters. As the demographic gets older, support for the Republican party rises.

Partisanship advantage by year of birth, as of 2014 (published by Pew Research)


Partisanship advantage past year of birth, as of 2014 (published by Pew Research)

By Gender

In general, women lean Democratic while support among men is roughly evenly split between the 2 parties.

Gender gap in party identification (Pew Research Group, 2015)

By Race

Support for parties can also vary significantly past ethnicity and race, with African-Americans and Hispanics. For example, in the 2012 presidential election, Republican Paw Romney garnered only half-dozen% of the black vote; and in 2008 John McCain got simply 4%.[7]

Party identification by race (Pew Research Group, 2015)

Past Level of Teaching

Support for the two parties also varies by level of education; support for the Democratic party is stronger amongst higher graduates and too amid people who have a loftier school diploma or less.

Party identification by level of education (Pew Research Group, 2015)


  • Republican Party (official website)
  • Democratic Party (official website)
  • Wikipedia: Republican Party (United States)
  • Wikipedia: Autonomous Party (United States)
  • Cherry-red States Outnumber Blue States for the Get-go Fourth dimension in Gallup Tracking - Gallup

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